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La revista REVIEW FOR RELIGIOUS la publica la Universidad Saint Louis de los jesuitas en USA



Aging and Christian Spirituality: Joy and Resignation
Matthias Neuman OSB explores two challenges of aging, namely, the ability to enjoy and the need of resignation. He has written for us often.
Excerpts: "Aging does not need to be a series of losses that can only be endured. ... Both the joys and resignations of old age can be seen as ways of deepening our relationship with God. ... Christian spirituality invites the aging to have a deeper appreciation of human life's joys and pleasures."
Go to this article to find questions for reflection and discussion

Dreams in Prayer and Discernment
Jennifer Constantine Jackson examines the human experience of dreams as one resource from the Lord that can assist us on the road to spiritual maturity. Writing from Cambridge, Massacvhusetts she is a teacher and currently a student of theology and Ignatian spirituality.
Excerpts: "For those committed to religious life in the first centuries of Christianity, the fruits of attentiveness to dreams could be pursued successfully only through grace and only if the purpose was life in Christ. ... Dreams offer one way of being attentive to this mystery that is God."


Confessions of a Franciscan Ethicist
Renee Mirkes OFS shows how being Franciscan can and does affect the way she does ethics. She is a Franciscan Sister of Christian Charity and ethics director at Paul VI Institute in Omaha, Nebraska.
Excerpts: " Frequent meditation on my Franciscan values fostered an ever more Franciscan self. ... God combats evil through holy men and women, through those who are dedicated to instructing the ignorant by teaching morality."
Go to this article to find questions for reflection and discussion.

Reclaiming Hope, Recovering Dialogue
Colleen Mary Mallon OP explores dialogical communion, from the writings of the French Dominican Yves Congar, and reflects upon specific practices of discipleship that promise to deepen communal conversion while offering prophetic witness to a global world. She presented this essay as a talk on 21 April 2006 at Molloy College's Women of Spirit symposium.
Excerpts: "Globalization is reshaping our economic, political, and cultural worlds. ... The starting point of theology for Congar is the God-hauman relationship. ... Our hope does not lie in some perfect world without the great risks that our freedom in history poses. ... Embracing the task of dialogical communion moves us from false impressions and prejudgments to respect and curiosity."


Why Do We Gather? A Journey Together
Rose Hoover RC says that being together on the inward journey is a subtly rigorous togetherness not to be missed. She last wrote for this journal from Gainseville, Florida in March-April 1992.
Excerpts: "Without good relationships, individuals and communities are bound to be lifeless . ... Religious community is no way to flee the world, the world walks right in with us."
An Experience of Jesus and His Brothers
Robert Schieler FSC describes his congregation's Holy Week retreat in which three provinces saw a happily workable way to be energetically together as one. He writes from Christian Brothers Provincialate in Adamstown, Maryland.
Excerpts: "We reflected on the values from our past that we wanted to carry forward. ... This kind of change stimulates resistance because it challenges people's habits."

Today's Saint
Mother's Quest and Bequest: Theodore Guerin's Sainthood
Mary Roger Madden SP provides a historical vignette of her congregation's recently canonized American foundress to show the greatnes of her spiritual bequest. She writes from the National Shrine of Our Lady of Providence at Saint Mary of the Woods in Indiana.
Excerpts: "The saints know and struggle constantly with the dark side of their temperament. ... She gained lifelong friends by giving herself to others' needs. ... How fortunate we are to have given the days of our youth to God."

The Bible and the Church
Eugene Hensell OSB continues his Scripture essays, a regular feature of each issue of Review for Religious.

Canonical Counsel: Bona Ecclesiastica

Elizabeth McDonough OP continues her on-going series of canonical information and reflection. Writing from the Pontifical Collge Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, she is canonical advisor for numerous religious communities.

via dolorosa by Lou Ella Hickman IWBS
Winter Retreat by Patricia L. Schnapp RSM

Book Reviews
Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Juan Diego: The Historical Evidence by Eduardo Chavez
Reviewed by Patricia Chaffee OP
Book Shelf Life
Mini reviews by Philip Fischer SJ