La revista REVIEW FOR RELIGIOUS la publica la Universidad Saint Louis de los jesuitas en USA



Prisms: The editor of Review for Religious reflects on the Year of the Eucharist.


Faith Perspectives

Reaching the Alienated Heart: An Interpretation of the Descent Into Hell
Dennis J. Billy CSSR examines our creedal profession that Jesus "decended into hell" and finds an understanding for our contemporary human experience.

Excerpts: "To say that Jesus rose from the dead or ascended into heaven allows for some latitude atoub how these formulations should be understood. ... The word preached by Jesus to those in hell boldly proclaims a new creation made possible by his rising from the dead. "


Feet First Into Resurrection
Bonaventure Stefun OFMCap delves into the significence of the Christian action of the washing of the feet in its sacramental way of relating us to the risen Christ

Some Reflection Points: Consider what Jesus did in washing the apostles' feet as a way of understanding his resurrection. Can we, like Jesus, in dying, trust the Father to take care of us, including our body, and even our feet?

More material for prayer and reflection can be found after this article.


Taking Account

Framing the Ethical Rights of Priests
James F. Keenan SJ writes as a mroal theologian to propose four ethical rights that would seem to need recognition for the healthy communio of the church.

Excerpts: "Because status privileges the clergy as living in a distinct world, establishing a professional ethics for them can be especially challenging. ... Way before rights language appeared in modern democracies, rights were first expressed as intrinsic to the good of the church. .. Fair treatment usually observes some form of due proportionality."

Faith and Solidarity in Action
Anne Munley IHM presents a summary overview of the May 2004 plenary session of the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) dealing with the ministry of reconciliation.

Excerpts: A strength of the UISG pleanry session is that it gathers congregational leaders who have direct experience of religious life and the joys and sufferings of people in all parts of the world."

Religious Life

Women Religious In Treatment for Addictions
Millie Cargas describes art therapy and its effectiveness in therapy programs.

Excerpts: "A simple definition of art therapy is using artistic materials in therapy or as therapy. ... The artistic creations take on a life of their own."


Ascetism and Chaste Celibate Love
Velma Seelaus OCD uites chaste celibate love with an asceticism that elnarges the heart to receive a greater outpouring of God's love, which then flows more freely through us into the lives of others.

Some Reflection Points: How do I understand that even self-centered, narcissistic love contains within itself in a diffused, distored way the energies of divine love? How would I explain fasting is a form of worship and also a form of the prayer of petition?

More material for prayer and reflection can be found after this article.

Holy People

Snapshots of Three Lesser-Known "Saints"
Robert F. Maloney CM sketches in brief detail the lives and deaths of three Catholics who continue to call us to witness to our faith.

Excerpts: "Joseph Chow renounced a very prestigious offer: to be the pope of China. Consequently, he endured a slow, arduous, hidden martyrdom.


Learning to Live Serenely: The Wisdom of Francis de Sales
Juliana Devoy RGS reintroduces us into the sage advice of Francis de Sales in the ordinary daily living of our Christian lives.

Some Reflection Points: "Do we live the truth that every vocation is the locus for meeting God and every Christian is called to a life of holiness? Have we experienced that today we are so preoccupied with our psychological identity that wse do not pay enough attention to our theological identity?

More material for prayer and reflection can be found after this article.


Good and Bad Zeal, Good and Bad Spirits
Joseph I. Cisetti notes that, while distinct, the teaching of St. Benedict on good and bad zeal and the instrudtins of St. Ignatius on good and bad spirits bear similarities useful for both personal discernment and pastoral ministry.

Some Reflection Points: In our experience, do we find that good zeal is self-giving and bad zeal is self-seeking?

More material for prayer and reflection can be found after this article.


Reading the Acts of the Apostles
Eugene Hensell OSB contuinues his Scripture essays, a regular feature of each issue of Review for Religious.

Canonical Counsel: No More, No Less, and No Other ...

Elizabeth McDonough OP continues her on-going series of canonical information and reflection. She is canonical advisor for numerous religious communities as well as for the Archdiocese of Washington and several other dioceses.


Mother and Son by Kevin Bezner
My Novitiate by Grace Gallant SSM

Book Reviews

Evening Visits with a Sister, or the Destiny of a Strand of Moss by Desiree Martin. Translated by Calude L. Remillard and Denise Remillard Chachere
Reviewed by Frances M. Gimber RSCJ

Elijah, Prophet of Carmel by Jane Ackerman
Reviewed by Patricia Chaffee Op

Embrace the Swelling Wave, Vol. 1 of The Dominicans of Racine, Wisconsinby Suzanne Noffke OP
Reviewed by Gertrud Jaron Lewis

The Acosmic: Human Quest for Liberation and Deification Revisiting Christian Spirituality at Its Soutce by Devat (Cletus Mathew OSB
Reviewed by Joel Rippinger OSB

Teresa of Avila: An Extraordinary Life by Shirley du Boulay
Reviewed by Patricia Chaffee Op

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives: The Associate Movement in Religious Communities by Kathleen Wade
Reviewed by Doris Gottemoeller RSM

Book Shelf Life A collection of 19 mini-book-reviews by Philip C. Fischer SJ