La revista REVIEW FOR RELIGIOUS la publica la Universidad Saint Louis de los jesuitas en USA



Prisms: The New Look and Feel of the Journal
David L. Fleming SJ, the editor of Review for Religious, outlines the changes to the Review for Religious journal that give it a new look and feel..


Religious Life Refocused

Religious Life: Naturally Sacred vs. Grace Sacred?
Nihal Abeyasingha CSSR proposed a sacramental perspective as a corrective for religious institutes to employ in bringing a harmony between the apostolic service inspired by the graced sacred of their charisms and that same service adapted to the naturally sacred of human invention. He writes from

Excerpts: "The charism of the institute is a graced gift of the Spirit that is not available to all. .. An institution is always in dager of taking care of itself first and finding reasons for continuing to do what it has begun doing. ... When starting a locall movement, use local resources."

Mixed Communities' Gift to the Church: Analogical Considerations
Edward Foley OFMCap suggests that, when we look at lay-and-clerical religious communities through the lenses of biculturality and double religious belonging, we will find an untapped resource for the church and the world to which we minister. He writes from

Excerpts: "Biculturality can be the integrated life stance of belonging to two clutures at the same time. ... We are a hybrid community, a conjunction of lay and ordained, disparate strands woven togehter into a single yet not homogenized identity. .. A second contribution of double religious belonging to our rethinking of Capuchin priesthood is its invitation to reconciliation."

Biblical Helps


Reclaiming the Prayer of Lament
Colleen Vogt offers a pastoral solution for reclaimning the lament tradition, using lectio divina as a model

Some Reflection Points
: "What happens in us when we trust in the grace of God to lead us? Cursing enemies is a difficult theme, on with which many modern Christians are uncomfortable. What is my response? ." (Click on the GO button to go to this article for more material for prayer and reflection.)

More material for prayer and reflection can be found after this article.


The Role of Scripture on the Spiritual Journey
Mattias Neuman OSB reviews the gradual increase of Bible reading in the everyday spirituality of Catholics and gives some guidelines for a person's spiritual journey. He writes from

Some Reflection Points: "How do we experience preachers, patristics scholars, exegetes, and chatchists helping people understand God's word? How can we witness to the fact that today many legitimate spiritualites exist in the church, many ways of actualizing the gospel in one's life?" (Click on the GO button to go to this article for more material for prayer and reflection.)

More material for prayer and reflection can be found after this article.

Making Connections

Aquinas, Pascal, Lonergan, and the Spiritual Exercises
Frederick E. Crowe SJ describes two ways of our human growth --- the way from above downwards (belief) and the way from below upwards (personal acquisition) --- and applies these ways to the Ignatian Exercises. He writes from

Excerpts: "Lonergan ses two patterns of advance in human development. ... Where the Second week focuses on knowing and therefore loving, the Third and Fourth Weeks focus on communication between persons already in love.."


Ignatian Colloquies: Their Surpassing Value
A. Paul Dominic SJ reflects on the ease and power of the prayer time known as the Ignatian colloquies.

Some Reflection Points: "Have I experience that, if life is difficult, making the Exercises is no more or less difficult? How do I explain that colloquies are certainly moments of intimacy, and intimacy is power? Do I accept that the triple colloquy is an exercise of faith in the communion of saints and a source of benefit from it? " (Click on the GOibutton to go to this article for more material for prayer and reflection.)

More material for prayer and reflection can be found after this article.


Scripture Scope: Death and Resurrection
Eugene Hensell OSB contuinues his Scripture essays, a regular feature of each issue of Review for Religious.

Canonical Counsel: Religious Salus Animarum